When people around you know that you are a diver, it will not take long before somebody asks you to take something into the water or to bring something out. Fulfilling such desires is always a challenge. For a small object, such as a wedding ring, the search might be complicated. Bigger objects are easier to find, but getting them in or out of the water can be a challenge.
Search & recovery training provides you with techniques that are needed to overcome such challenges. This course covers techniques for searches, marking and lifting, along with considerations for safety and comfort. The techniques covered in the course book require practical training. Your practical training starts on land. Since both searching and lifting require you to work with ropes, your instructor will teach you how to tie some basic knots. The course is then completed with two dives in open water. The minimum age for participation is 12 and you must be a certified diver, preferably with also the navigation certification.
Your instructor will want a completed medical statement from you. In some regions a medical statement with only “no” answers will be sufficient for participation in the course. In other regions a medical signed and stamped by a medical doctor will be required and must unconditionally say that you are fit for diving.
You start this course by downloading the book and reading it. If you prefer to read your book on paper, then ask your instructor. The price for the paper version of this book is €11.40. If you cannot find a SCUBA C&P instructor in your area, then please contact us via info@scuba-courses.com.