You enjoyment of the underwater world will increase even more when you “know what you see”. The naturalist course explains the relationships between organisms that you observe underwater and increase your general understanding of the environment. The course introduces you to several aspects that you can then explore further by yourself. The minimum age for participating in this course is 12. The programme can be completed in two days.
The two dives are dedicated to different subjects. The first dive is aimed at collecting information about species underwater and then using that information to find the name and information about the behaviour of that species. The documentation on species addresses specific features. In order to be able to find a name for an organism that you have observed underwater, you need to note exactly those features that are referenced. The dive is thus preceded by a detailed briefing on how to collect data. After the dive your instructor will guide you through the steps to find the name of the organisms you have seen.
The second dive is related to information from the last part of the chapter. It concerns the relationship between species. Your instructor will provide detailed information on the food chain and food webs. The dive is then dedicated to set-up a basic foodweb for an underwater ecosystem. Obviously that web will not be complete, but making it will make you aware of interesting relationships between local species.
Your instructor will want a completed medical statement from you. In some regions a medical statement with only “no” answers will be sufficient for participation in the course. In other regions a medical signed and stamped by a medical doctor will be required and must unconditionally say that you are fit for diving.
You start your course by downloading the environment book and reading chapter two (although it is not directly related to the course, you can increase your understanding by also reading chapter 1). If you prefer to read your book on paper, then ask your instructor. The price for the paper version of this book is €24.90. If you cannot find a SCUBA C&P instructor in your area, then please contact us via